Forum Replies Created

  • Kevin

    September 3, 2024 at 1:23 pm in reply to: McGraw Hill

    Hi Nicole! I hope all is well. I have used it in the past as my Math curriculum, specifically the “Reveal” series. I suggest asking McGraw Hill to send you samples to be reviewed by you and your team to make sure its the right fit for your stakeholders. A great resource McGraw Hill does produce is ALEKS

    ALEKS is used in my son’s math class and it is quite effective as a learning and assessment program.

  • Kevin

    July 24, 2024 at 3:12 pm in reply to: Security

    Hi Rachael! I’m not familiar with the security companies available in the Tampa area, but I can look into that for you. Daniel Padron, Head of School at Bell Shoals, is leading the Tampa area chapter and I am sure he can provide you with some options or point you in the right direction. Email:

  • Kevin

    June 13, 2024 at 10:41 am in reply to: Lightning Detector

    My pleasure! I’ll work on providing you with a few vendors for the detectors.

  • Kevin

    June 13, 2024 at 9:45 am in reply to: Lightning Detector

    Good morning Shahna! Here is one example of lightning threat procedures:

    Lightning Threat Dismissal

    Pre-K–5th Grade: In the case of lightning, the School Resource Office (SRO), if needed, will make a decision regarding the need for an indoor dismissal at least 10 minutes prior to dismissal times (2:30pm and 3:00pm). In general, when the Lightning Alert horn is sounded, there is lightning within a 6-mile radius and all outdoor activity should cease. At dismissal time, the SRO will determine when it is safe for students to exit the building. 3rd-5th grade students will be held inside until the all-clear is given or when parents walk inside to sign them out at their own risk. Pre-K through 2nd grade will be dismissed under the overhang on the west side. If an indoor dismissal is needed, teachers will be informed via an “all-call” at that time. These classes will be directed to the sanctuary hallway for dismissal. Signs with each grade level will be placed on the floor along the walls indicating where each elementary class will sit. A supervising teacher radios which cars have arrived for pick-up.

    Elementary Teachers are to assist in maintaining a quiet (no student talking) atmosphere, and instruct students to be listening attentively for their name. They are to also instruct students to be prepared to move quickly and quietly the moment their name is called. Inasmuch as a lightning dismissal requires significant additional time to accomplish, teachers are asked to be active in monitoring their students. The cooperation of all is necessary to accomplish a safe dismissal with minimal delay.

    Administrative Assistants will assist in keeping the parents out of the sanctuary hallway while helping to maintain a quiet atmosphere.

    ACE, intramurals, fine arts, and clubs will dismiss as normal, and their direct overseers will determine if/ when activities can take place outside.

    All others who have PM dismissal assignments will function as they normally do.

    Teacher Assistants are to assist with maintaining a quiet order among all grades.

    6th –12th Grade will wait in their classrooms for dismissal.

    The SRO will notify the “all clear” via radio when the lightning threat has ceased.

  • Kevin

    June 6, 2024 at 8:43 am in reply to: SEVIS Initial Visit

    Hi Nicole, I’m going to connect you via email with someone who can be of assistance.

  • Kevin

    February 29, 2024 at 11:35 am in reply to: Leadership Books

    Awesome! Thank you for the recommendation!

  • Kevin

    February 17, 2024 at 10:35 am in reply to: The color wheel

    Thank you for sharing content!

  • Hi Rachel,

    I hope all is well. I went ahead and looked over the actual statute, and it does not specify between K-12 or preschool. It only states “private school”. Please see the excerpt from the bill: A private school may use facilities on property purchased from a library, community service organization, museum, performing arts venue, theatre, cinema, or church facility under s. 170.201, which is actively or was actively used as such within 5 years of any executed agreement with a private school to purchase the facilities; any facility or land owned by a Florida College System institution or university; any similar public institutional facilities; and any facility recently used to house a school or child care facility licensed under s. 402.305, under any such facility’s preexisting zoning and land use designations without obtaining a special exception, rezoning, or a land use change, and without complying with any mitigation requirements or conditions.

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 3 weeks ago by  Kevin.
  • Absolutely! We have to continue to advocate for policy that benefits school choice and Christian education.

  • My pleasure!

  • Kevin

    March 4, 2024 at 3:27 pm in reply to: What book would you recommend as a great read for heads of school?

    Thank you, Jorge! I love the title. I’m assuming the book emphasizes the concept of servant leadership?

  • Kevin

    March 4, 2024 at 3:25 pm in reply to: What book would you recommend as a great read for heads of school?

    Thank you, Rachel! I’ll definitely check it out.